
Stéphane Fouks

Executive Vice President, Havas
Executive Chairman, H/Advisors

Stéphane Fouks holds a master’s degree in Public Law from Paris 1 University, as well as a DESS in communications. He also studied at Sciences Po Paris.

He started his career in 1979 as a music producer, before becoming Deputy Chief of Staff for Michel Rocard, who was then the Minister of Agriculture. Remaining at this position until 1985, Stephane Fouks continued working for Michel Rocard when the latter became Prime Minister.

He then founded a communications agency and in 1988 joined Euro RSCG and founded "RSCG public", a corporate communications agency, which he developed, and which has since become Havas Paris. In 2005, he was appointed Executive Co-Chairman of Euro RSCG Worldwide, and became Vice-President of the Havas in 2011.

He created H/Advisors, the leading global strategic advisory network in the world, with best in class local experts. The network operates directly through its partner agencies in over 20 countries, in addition to having a number of long established affiliate agencies in additional countries around the globe

Stéphane Fouks is a regular speaker at seminars on various topics and industries such as economics, media, advertising, marketing, and consulting.

He is the author of three books: a 2005 study entitled The Society of Generalized Defiance that analyses the evolution of the relationship between the elites and society; The New Elites, published in 2007 by the Plon Editions, in which he outlined the conditions for a revival of elites in France; and, in 2020, Media Pandemic (Plon), in which he analyses the management of the Covid crisis as a symptom of the failure of the elites to renew their way of communicating.

In 1999, he was named Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite and in 2008, he became Chevalier de l’Ordre National de la Légion d’Honneur.

Since 2007, he has been the administrator of the IMAGINE foundation. This foundation is a unique place for research, education and care regarding genetic diseases affecting children and adults.

Stéphane Fouks is also administrator of the Think Tank YES (Yalta European Strategy).

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