
Frank Mangano

COO and CFO, Havas Creative Network North America

Frank is the COO & CFO for the Havas North American Creative businesses where he has responsibility for the financial management of the region as well as the Havas NY agency. In this role, he supports and advises agency leadership, manages NA investments and oversees M&A activities, including integrating acquisitions. A client focused CFO, Frank works closely with the agencies on client strategy and satisfaction as well as managing the overall financial relationships. He also is the CFO supporting two of Havas's largest global accounts.

Frank joined the former Euro RSCG as CFO of Euro RSCG 4D in 1999 and was promoted to CFO of Euro RSCG Worldwide in 2007. He took on the role of COO/CFO for North America in the renamed Havas Worldwide in 2013. Prior to Havas, Frank worked at the professional accounting services firm of Grant Thornton. Frank earned his accounting degree from the School of Professional Accountancy at C.W. Post in New York.

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